The Randolph Cup


Not only is this for the runner up to the Yonwin Cup but like that cup its early history, which goes back to before the war, also starts at Rose Hill.  The inaugural meeting of Rose Hill B.C.  was held at The Adult School Sutton on Friday 31st March 1933.  Twenty eight people were present.

The Randolph Cup was offered for competition between clubs playing on council greens.

In 1956 Rose Hill had won it for the eleventh time, and at a meeting in October 1956 it was agreed to discontinue the Randolph competition as it no longer fulfilled the donor’s wishes.  It was suggested that the cup be given to Sutton & District B.A. There is no record of any transaction taking place.  (Epsom won this cup as runners up in 1982 & 2010/2011/2012).